Saturday, May 26, 2012

My New Project

Two weeks have passed since my arrival to Samara and I am finally all into my new project (well, no mine actually). I will write a formulas descriptor for a bank software. It will allow one to create new formulas for various coefficients in IronPython. The scripts will be connected to .NET C# code using Microsoft DLR. 

So far I spent a week digging into the source code and realized that it is extremely difficult without any comments and documentation (my case). I actually do not understand how my project manager (who wrote all 100,000 lines of code) remembers all the design principles and how he plans to do it in 3 years... I assume he is  just much smarter than me. So, one thing I understand very clearly now is that comments and documentation matter and are very important. The clearest and the best-written code in the world is practically unsupportable and very hard to understand without them.

Spaces in Windows Command Line

Oh dear! How silly I feel now... I spent years playing with spaces in Windows Command Line and always used the rule: "make sure that there are no spaces in your path". But only now I realized that one can just use quotes and all the command will work even with spaces in paths.

So, to call pscp.exe for the file in c:\Program Files\My Web Sites\ just print:
pscp "c:\Program Files\My Web Sites\"
and everything will work perfectly correct.